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All Hands In


"I'm perfect for Customer Success —I just need a chance to prove myself."

Why #CustomerEverything Club?

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You've done the research, attended Customer Success community groups, followed Customer Success thought leaders, and really put in the time to understand the industry only to find yourself welcomed into the discussion but locked out of the club. All these companies are hiring for CSMs... but you're not making the cut. 

You want to stay positive and keep trying, but an unending stream of "Thanks, but no thanks" emails would wear on anyone. Especially when you know, without a doubt, that the experience you bring — from sales, account management, customer service roles, and the like you've held in the past — are directly applicable to making you a Customer Success badass. 



...You're sick of being undervalued. 



...You're tired of seeing "Customer Success and SaaS experience required." 



...You're stretched thin and just need a break, or at least a little support. 



And you're more than frustrated from spinning your wheels trying to find a way to break into Customer Success (which seems to be locked down tighter than the Pentagon). 

Why #CustomerEverything Club?

Join the #CustomerEverything Club and get all the tools you need to land your Customer Success dream job! 

I just need to know...

"I just need to know how to present myself, to get past my lack of Customer Success or SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) experience, to put all my skills and knowledge out there and get noticed!" 

You know you have what it takes, but you also know you need help. 



You've got a family to support. You're unfulfilled in your current role. You want a more stable financial future in a field with warp speed career progression to actually get something out of life. 



But you're already spread too thin. 



Plus, how are you supposed to network, continue participating in Customer Success conversations on and offline, rework your resume and cover letter over and over again, apply, interview, and, and, and... 



All to take 6–12 months to even get an offer. 



And while your time is taken up with family obligations, kids interrupting to show you that cool new thing they can do (that they showed you 300 times yesterday), and the things that help keep you sane and grounded, like working out, volunteering, and doing something for yourself once in a while. 



Oh, and you also need money simply to live. So, that's fun. 



It's enough to make anyone second guess themselves and their talents. 

Stop spinning your wheels and start getting results — without the cost of one-on-one coaching. 

Wanna share YOUR content too, for free? Watch this affiliate video to find out how!

Hi, I'm Dana Soza, Top 100 Customer Success Strategist, and creator of the #CustomerEverything Club. 



I struggled finding ANY job before I had a degree. I know how it feels to hear "you'd be perfect for the role, if only you had [X]." 



So, I created a solution. 



A solution that helped me land the job I wanted — and succeeded 90% of the time. 



But it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. 



When I decided to make the move in Customer Success, that success rate plunged to a frighteningly low 30% until I really started to understand Customer Success and SaaS, immersing myself until I understood both the field and the industry inside and out and learning how to speak the language. From then on, my success skyrocketed back to sitting comfortably in that 90th percentile. 



Those tools are what I want to share with you. I’m even giving some of them away for free. 



I created this membership for the Customer Success Career Newbie™ just like you to empower, educate, and serve up Customer Success direction, strategy, and delivery with a specific path you can follow to get from "No thanks" to "You're hired!" 



...No more being overlooked due to a lack of Customer Success or SaaS experience. 



...No more being overwhelmed by the amount of research and work required to break into the industry. 



...No more trying to do it all without the means to do it. 



There's tons of advice out there. But what's advice done for you so far? 


If you're here, reading this, not much. 


This membership is built on real tactics and actions you can take RIGHT NOW. Easy-to-understand strategies and tools, ready-made templates, and step-by-step processes that are exactly what you need to succeed. 


Plus, you’ll be part of a community of people who know exactly where you’re coming from, because that’s where they’re coming from, too. 

Introducing the #CustomerEverything Club — your secret weapon for breaking into Customer Success.

No more feeling overwhelmed, no more spinning your wheels wondering what to do next...and no hefty price tag. 

Now, no matter where you are in the world, you can learn from my years of experience... 



  • Exactly where to start 

  • Customer Success best practices 

  • How to answer certain questions using Customer Success and SaaS Customer Success language 

  • How to present yourself to show that you have those transferable skills 



Finding your dream job in Customer Success involves more than just revamping your resume again and again and participating in the right conversations. 



If you want to get past the first interview — or get an interview at all — you need to know what to write about yourself (using language that resonates with SaaS companies), how to fill those experience gaps, the exact words and phrases to use, how to present your transferable skills, what to say in interviews, how to prepare, and how to apply what you've learned about Customer Success while job hunting. 



In this membership program, you'll get access to a streamlined and proven process to follow, along with all the templates you'll need. No more trying to do it all on your own. I’ve got you covered. 



I’m even giving some of the tools and resources away for free! 



The #CustomerEverything Club provides an easy-to-follow, standardized, and (it bears repeating) PROVEN process that I've used to help others land in Customer Success and succeed in their new roles. 



No previous Customer Success experience required. 

No more flailing around to find your own path to your dream career in Customer Success. It's time to get some benefit from that work you're already putting in. 

The #CustomerEverything Club is the culmination of my own love for Customer Success and my passion for helping people reach their dreams. I know what it feels like to struggle to get job after job. I know what it feels like to work hard and still not get anywhere… To need a support system I can rely on but be forced to “go it alone.” 



Through this program, I'm putting my experience and skills to work for YOU, matching up my creative job-hunting skills with my wealth of Customer Success knowledge to get you in. 



This goes beyond the advice and resources others might offer. 



I have re-engineered actual Customer Success tools to help you not only break into Customer Success but to actually gain valuable and applicable experience in Customer Success by simply following my process, so you’re truly and properly prepared to target the right roles with the right companies and be ready to knock their socks off! 

The #CustomerEverything Club is for you if... 

...You're done with the "throw it on the wall to see what sticks" method of landing your dream job in Customer Success 



...You’re tired of struggling on your own 



...You want the support of a Customer Success and job-hunting expert without the hefty price tag 



...You're sick of applying and applying only to get passed over for interviews 



...You're tired of an endless stream of first interviews and not getting invited back 



...You're ready to get the respect you deserve from recruiters and hiring managers 



Learn how to talk the talk and walk the walk, right here so you can do meaningful work that you enjoy, feel valued again, and become part of a cutting-edge industry in a high demand field with constantly growing demand. 

The #CustomerEverything Club is the complete system you need to gain Customer Success knowledge, highlight your transferable skills, ace that interview, and win that dream Customer Success job.

My “Learn Your ABCs” process that I'm going to share with you inside the club is a complete customer success framework and playbook, with the step-by-step processes and templates that will get you to where you want to be in your brand spanking new Customer Success career. 



Not only will you learn exactly how to make your existing experience directly transferable to Customer Success, you'll actually SEE how customer success delivery is created. 



Plus, the methodology, resources, tools, and templates included as part of this club are built on my Raise Your CS IQ™ process. 



For you, this means that you'll be gaining that much-needed customer success experience just by joining the club. 



Everything you touch is built using Customer Success tools, tech, and methodologies that I've built over the years and then creatively engineered to help you secure your dream job in Customer Success.


    “Overall, amazing work!! I think the ideas behind the templates are wonderful. I like the process of starting with key factors you want within a company and then start looking for that in your job search. I like the templates that provide examples of what the answer could be, I think being new to any industry, having examples, website links or tools is very helpful. Any place where you know of sites or tools you used to help complete the template, it would be good to include those as well.” Stella Ikhnana ​


    "These templates provided a great base foundation for CS newbies transitioning into CS. They provide a detailed framework and steps of what you should do to achieve this. I wish I had these to reference when I decided to pivot into CS!" Courtney Gould ​


     "Step 8-Connecting was most valuable! Staying close to this changing field will make you more marketable and knowledgeable. Interacting with others that are thought leaders or at least active in the industry will raise your own profile and your relevancy." Glenn Hummel ​


Kick down the doors to that exclusive club and take your place in your dream Customer Success career.

It is possible to break into the Customer Success field. 



Without Customer Success or SaaS experience. 



But I'll be honest with you... 



Breaking into Customer Success requires a deep knowledge of customer success and its delivery. Competition is fierce, and there are people out there who have the relevant Customer Success experience and will beat you out for job after job... 



Unless you know how to interview like a CS rockstar. 



As a member of the club, you'll get a proven methodology that will help you properly communicate and demonstrate how your past experience translates to customer success skills so you can achieve your goals — without having to pay thousands for 1-2-1 coaching. 



Get the financial security you need, doing the meaningful work you love. Buy that house, get out of debt, enjoy those evenings out, take care of your family and loved ones, take that dream vacation, maybe even go to the doctor without wondering where the money is going to come from. 

The #CustomerEverything Club Pricing 

The #CustomerEverything Club is built to get you out of the constant "apply > interview > no thanks" cycle and get you to that resounding YES! Increase your confidence in your own CS IQ™ and learn how to engage in Customer Success conversations with skill and ease to have those hiring managers nodding their heads. 



With the #CustomerEverything Club you'll get: 


  • A very specific, proven trajectory to success 

  • More time because you're not second-guessing your decisions and spinning your wheels 

  • The confidence that comes from knowing you have a path forward 

  • A proven process with templates to reach your goals, right at your fingertips 





You can cancel anytime, but I'm sure you'll want to stick around. The templates and resources are constantly improved, and new ones will be added every month! 

Still not sure? Here are some of the more common objections I get: 

"Why should I spend money on something I don't know will work?"



You shouldn't. 



These templates were created based on a lifetime of my own creativity to get ANY job I wanted. Without a college degree. And without experience. 



They're incredibly creative strategies and ideas that are built around being immersed as a Customer Success practitioner myself for 7+ years. 



I know what SaaS companies are looking for, and I want to share that with you. 



Plus, the membership and templates are roughly the cost of just 2 of those "fancy coffee shop" coffees a month. A month. 



I can find a Customer Success job on my own. 



Yes, you certainly can. It will take you 6–12 months. But with the methodology and tools included in this membership, you won't be spinning your wheels wondering which way is up. 



The time is going to pass anyway, but it will be much better spent practicing Customer Success and learning how to apply your existing skills and experience to land your dream Customer Success career faster. 



Can't I find these templates for free in other places? 



You can absolutely waste your time scouring the internet for articles and templates for cover letters, resumes, and the like. Of course, those tools won't be built around or written from the specific perspective of Customer Success or show you how and what to do using Customer Success language. 



Plus, they won't have my Raise Your CS IQ™ methodology so you can gain that much-needed customer success experience while you’re job hunting. 



Ready to land your dream career in Customer Success? Join the #CustomerEverything Club now!

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